Lot for Sale at Ceibos, Puertos Del Lago

Main information

  • Property #5122034
  • U$S 125,000

  • Transaction Sale
  • Property Type Lot
  • Location Ceibos, Puertos Del Lago, Ceibos, Cordoba, Cordoba Capital, Cordoba, Argentina

  • Total Area 663.7 m²
  • Width 19 m
  • Depth 35 m
  • Can Demolish -
  • Credit Available -
  • Commercial Use -

Property Details

  • Total Area 663.7 m²
  • Width 19 m
  • Depth 35 m
  • Linear Right Size -
  • Linear Left Size -
  • Credit Available -
  • Commercial Use -
  • Can Demolish -
  • Expenses Currency $
  • Expenses 160000

Building information

  • Building Category -
  • Building Condition -
  • Balcony Type -
  • Units in the Building -
  • Floors in the Building -
  • Units per Floor -
  • Elevators -
  • Service Elevators -
  • Has Service Entrance -
  • Building Type -


Hermoso Lote Interno en el Barrio Ceibos de Puertos de Lago. De los lotes internos más grandes del barrio y con la mejor orientación Noreste. Excelente Oportunidad.\r\n.
Todas las operaciones son a cargo del Martillero y Corredor responsable: Paula Mendez CMCPSI 6263 CUCICBA 7579

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