Lot for Sale at S.I.P El Enlace 1000

Main information

  • Property #5356999
  • U$S 8,800,000

  • Transaction Sale
  • Property Type Lot
  • Location S.I.P El Enlace 1000, Presidente Peron, San Miguel De Tucuman, Tucuman Capital, Tucuman, Argentina

  • Total Area 88 m²
  • Width -
  • Depth -
  • Can Demolish -
  • Credit Available -
  • Commercial Use -

Property Details

  • Total Area 88 m²
  • Width -
  • Depth -
  • Linear Right Size -
  • Linear Left Size -
  • Credit Available -
  • Commercial Use -
  • Can Demolish -
  • Expenses Currency -
  • Expenses -

Building information

  • Building Category -
  • Building Condition -
  • Balcony Type -
  • Units in the Building -
  • Floors in the Building -
  • Units per Floor -
  • Elevators -
  • Service Elevators -
  • Has Service Entrance -
  • Building Type -


Regional Mixed-Use Planned Industrial Sector El Enlace

The park is designated for the establishment of industries, logistics companies, and/or service providers, as well as commercial, educational, and professional training areas, with a focus on installing educational institutions while ensuring the protection and preservation of the environment. It aims to enhance the competitiveness of the industry.

The park features three distinct zones: a route service area, an industrial and logistics area, and a commercial area.\r\n.
Todas las operaciones son a cargo del Martillero y Corredor responsable: Paula Mendez CMCPSI 6263 CUCICBA 7579

Toda la información y medidas provistas son aproximadas y deberán ratificarse con la documentación pertinente y no compromete contractualmente a nuestra empresa. Los gastos expresados (expensas, ABL) se refieren a la última información recabada y deberán confirmarse. Fotografías no vinculantes ni contractuales.